Anthony has left a new comment on post "Nuns: No to reversal of ‘Nicole’ ruling":
C. I would like to know why is everyone so upset over the smith's case? Is it because he is a foreigner translated to money? Every rape/sexually molested case sure receive the same or more publicity outcry! Just like the sexually molested 18 year old girl walking to the main gate inside SBMA and accosted by 5 SBMA policemen, which ended in being handcuffed,robbed of 8,000php, clothes torn off, and sexually molested. Whatever happened to protect and serve? I guess they don't want to examine this case because they know they can't get money from these people. I hope that this young girl have enough guts to see this thing through and bring charges against them and the SBMA! I find it ironic that no one wants to discuss this topic when it involves there own kind(pinoys) diba? I hope they will bring light to this issue! Justice is justice! Please lets police ourselves before we make fools of our system! Protect all from these horrendous crimes.
Posted by Anthony
C. I would like to know why is everyone so upset over the smith's case? Is it because he is a foreigner translated to money? Every rape/sexually molested case sure receive the same or more publicity outcry! Just like the sexually molested 18 year old girl walking to the main gate inside SBMA and accosted by 5 SBMA policemen, which ended in being handcuffed,robbed of 8,000php, clothes torn off, and sexually molested. Whatever happened to protect and serve? I guess they don't want to examine this case because they know they can't get money from these people. I hope that this young girl have enough guts to see this thing through and bring charges against them and the SBMA! I find it ironic that no one wants to discuss this topic when it involves there own kind(pinoys) diba? I hope they will bring light to this issue! Justice is justice! Please lets police ourselves before we make fools of our system! Protect all from these horrendous crimes.
Posted by Anthony