Arby: sorry John
Arby: and BR but it really doesnt look TRIDENT, pls review the photo

Neil: nililito lang kau nila BR o iniinis para sitahin nuclear subs sa Subic

oman: anung topic?..mga reppa?..

Siyokoy: Maritrime Safety... When we all going to learn? Who's at fault? We need the technology to protect our seafaring vessels.. Dopler Radars in strategic points, weather satellite access,

Siyokoy: and better training for Pagasa personnel

RamonAbello: now they "listen" to us to tow that ship out from the water! make it ASAP pls. tulong tulong lahat tau to solve major problem regarding that "Toxic".

Siyokoy: and ask our du*ba#s congressmen and senators to give enough funding to pagasa to better equip their dept to protect our fellowmen who travel by sea and also fishermen

Siyokoy: make an honest to godness investigation regarding overloading and undocumented travelers

Siyokoy: let the heads roll in Coast Guard agencies who let this things happen

Siyokoy: Make a law that will mandatory equip all fishermen to wear floating device and equip their bancas with radios

TheClown: Pls. dont check about ship now pag dumating ang "super lolo" meaning my buntot na "apo", I think they burned the "huli"

Siyokoy: two way radios that is... and have all barangay centers in fishing villages to monitor all fishing boats registered in their barangays.. equip all barangay hall in all fishing villages with radios to monitor fishermen and have in contact with all

Siyokoy: those in distress at sea.. barangay officials in fishing villages must organize rescue volunteers

RamonAbello: ayan nagalit tuloy ang Sec.namin. Simple solusyon diyan "balik nyo sa private from the general" o db happy ang gustong magluko! zzzz n ako. Hi Gaponians!

RamonAbello: Hanjin "5" more ship, ang ganda ng ship at "Made in the Philippines" gulpi na naman ako..

RamonAbello: "Von Voyage" my Dear ship! be always safe sa pupuntahan mo! thats "Made in the Philippines"

RamonAbello: Sec. the way a see the aerial photo of SBMA and coastline, magkakatotoo ang request mo na "train" at future hongkong in the future..mga building na lang ang kulang sa flat area.. just continue the business blooming

John: Arby It is a Trident and the name that I provided is the boat in the picture. I am well aware as I am in the know. This was confirmed by someone I work with.

John: So Ramon, I see you are so happy to see this ship M/V Argolokos has passed its test and is on its way. I am happy to see that those in OC and Subic area have made the old bases into good investments for the PEOPLE of this area. But I along with

John: many others still havr concerns. "made in the Philippines" may sound good to you, but to others, it says built with cheap labor along with 12 deaths. Is this the way YOU want to see these ships go to sea? Over the deaths of how many Fili

John: Filipinos?????? It is SAD to think that YOU and your cohorts are so proud of Hanjin and its safety record. Sad as ALL I SEE is that you and these cohorts are only thinking of the $$$$$$ in

John: your pockets for being blind and stupid.

John: I just spent some time on the internet searching for numbers on accidents in shipyards. Seems that when you look at these numbers, those shipyards in Asia countries like Korea, China are high compared to say the UK, US yards. Why is that????

John: Could it be that these comapnies like Hanjin use cheap labor, don't care about SAFETY with in their yards? Could it be that Hanjin only cares about PROFITS??? Come on now Ramon, answer these questions for us. Bet you can not come up with ANY good

John: points or arguements to support YOUR way of thinking. See Raomn, in the US we have what is called OSHA, it is law and regualtuions for EVERYTHING workers do in the work place. Comapnies, business ALL ust follow these laws, regualtions or they can

John: sued. The owners can even go to jail. So you see here Ramon, Hanjin's ONLY reason for cdomingto the Philippines to build two shipyards is for CHEAP LABOR = increase PROFITS and LOW OVERHEAD = NO, repeat NO laws to make them abide by in regards to

John: safety. So as much as I am proud of the hard work these Filipinos have done to show the world that Filipinos can build ships in a timely manner, IS IT WORTH 12 FILIPINO LIVES???????

John: Siyokoy You bring up good points and sugestions. But you know as well as I that this will NEVER happen. How can you expect a poor Filipino fisherman to come up with the monies for this?

John: My Asawas brother has three good size motor banka for fishing. When they go out far from the island, they are gone for days till they come up with enough of a catch to make money. Fishing is dangerous in the Philippines as the country is tooooooooo

John: poor. I would agree that the GOV'T needs to put into place a better means of getting the word out about pending storms. On small islands with NO power, they go about their daily lives and get caught with their pants down when a storm hits.

John: These islands need short wave radios on ALL of them. A means to pass these storm warning out to ALL on these islands to prevent fisherman from going out to sea.

John: But NO. THose in Gov't lik Ramon ONLY care about bringing in investments and filling their pockets with kick backs. Selling their fellow FIlipino contrymen down the river. SAD SAD SAD SAD.. Their day will come when they TRY to walk throught the

John: doors into heaven. They will have a long drop into hell.

RamonAbello: hi john, so you decided to throw the blamed to someone? is that so? have you watch 60minutes? about the OSHA you mentioned?

RamonAbello: OSHA have only a few investigator that can inspect a whole scenario of accident in 24hours of inspection through out the process they missed things that can make it a flaw.

RamonAbello: evrything made on earth, evrything, theres and not intentional accident but because of side effect, research about the "medicine" that being sued by patients!

RamonAbello: Made in the Philippines?? Oh yeah Im very proud of it because a my countryman can change the course of lowlife to a certain greatness at their point.

RamonAbello: I think hanjin dont use a cheap labor, they just follow the phil law about minimum wages. so its not cheap its by law.

TheClown: Having an Investors is good rather than bringing the minor child holding a placard and being used as a shield for poverty. Lets go to work together!

John: So if it's Philippine Law that sets the wages, then it is up to the people to change this law. My point was that Hanjin knows this and came to PI because of this law on cheap labor. True that there might not be that many inspectors per number of

John: companies, but the laws are there and ANY worker can call up a toll free phone number and make a report for action. What does Hanjin have????? NOTHING. Do they even have ONE inspector walking around the yard?

John: Clown. TRUE. But of this childs father or mother that gets killed in the line of UNSAFE working conditions. This to me issetting Filipinos up to be killed.

John: I would like to know why when I made a few remarks on stories they don't show up??? MOD concerned about hearing the truth I wonder. Sad.


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