Adam: - you can't learn anything from being perfect
Will: Truly greater is the power within you than any other power on Earth
PinoyView: As a victim of two cellphone theft,
PinoyView: I am personally behind the initiative to register all handsets and SIM cards
KABATAAN: d plan portends the country’s ominous transformation into a police state
Ely: Think you can't change the world? Too late, you already have.
Ely: It was changed for the better the minute you were born.
Ely: There are more people than you can imagine who will never be the same . .
Ely: because they came in contact with you, if only for a fleeting moment.
TXT682: Text NTC is an alternative way of reporting lost/stolen cell phones
TXT682: People just don't take advange of this service
TXT682: and only thought of it once they have already been victimized
TXT Power: Its "ineffective" and "dangerous to civil liberties,"
PinoyView: Civil liberties my big fat @rse!
george: mandatory registration of SIMs is not realistic
Ness: I believe there is already a pending bill legislating mandatory SIM reg


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